I'm out of school and I have nothing to do at home so I decided to help out at the kindy. Aunty Hun Lin put me in charge of the props.
I took a some pictures of the kids playing:
The name of this game is "Thirsty Bird". The children whoare wearing a hat which resembles a bird's beak wears on will put a pebble into their hat.(As first I thought it was an egg)
Then, they will run to put it into a bottle. The birds put pebbles into a bottle of water so that the water will be filled to the brim and the bird can reach it.
Ride the Horsey.
Does the girl on top look familiar to u? :p
Pick the fruits
After the kids picked all of the fruits.
The trees are all bare!!
But there's three baskets full of fruits. Amazing how three fruits trees can bear so many types of different fruits. '-.-
Let's go fishing
Walk over the beam.
Catch the fish.
Dry the fishs.
We Scream For ICE CREAM!!!!
We Scream For ICE CREAM!!!!
Scoop the ice cream
And put it into the banana split.
And the banana split is done
Eat up. Yum Yum!
The Metamorphosis of a Butterfly.
The caterpillars are making a pathway for themselves to move.
The caterpillars are getting ready for metamorphosis.
This caterpillar is spinning herself into her pupa.
And these are the two butterflies that won.
Unfortunately, this butterfly is still waiting for her caterpillar friends to morph.